Support Services No Show Policy

1258 High Street, Eugene, OR 97401

Phone 541-342-8437 | Fax 541-242-2999

No Show, Late Show, and Late Cancellation Policies
Support Services

To ensure appropriate and consistent support services, it is important that you attend all scheduled support service appointments.

If you are unable to attend any scheduled appointment with your support specialist or case manager, please call your support specialist or case manager at least 24 hours in advance to cancel.


No Show Policy

1st No Show: If you do not call at least 24 hours ahead and/or do not show for an appointment, your support specialist or case manager will call you to remind you of the agency's no-show policy and will discuss any barriers to attendance.

2nd No Show: You may lose your standing appointment and/or not be able to schedule another support specialist or case management appointment. You may need to call to see if an appointment is available that day.

3rd No Show: Your support services may be discontinued.


Late Show Policy

If you arrive more than 15 minutes past your scheduled appointment time, your support specialist or case manager may no longer be available to see you and you may need to reschedule.


Late Cancellation Policy

A late cancellation (cancelled in less than 24 hours of scheduled appointment) will be considered the same as a no show.

After three (3) no shows and/or late cancellations, your support services may be discontinued.


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If you are signing as the Personal Representative, please complete the following section; otherwise, proceed to signing the form.

Full legal name of Personal Representative:

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Definition of Personal Representative:
For Adults: A person with legal authority to make healthcare decisions on behalf of the adult. Supporting documentation required.
For Youth: A parent, guardian, or other person acting in the place of a parent with legal authority to make healthcare decisions on behalf of the minor child. Supporting documentation may be required.

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